Reports ReportsPrint Top Previous NextOnline Help > Gradebook > ReportsThe Reports page generates various reports from your data in TeacherEase. Available reports differ based on purchased modules.Main > ReportsProgress Report: Generate student progress reports for a chosen grading period.Grading Sheet: Generate a printable grade sheet for a chosen class/subject.
Includes all students on the roster. Useful for manually recording grades assignmments enter into TeacherEase later.Overall Grades: Calculates a student�s overall grade for the semester/year end, using weighted grading periods.Average Score Statistics: Show the class average statistics and student's rank and average.Check Eligibility: Find students with grades at or below a chosen threshold.
Generate for various timeframes, by class/subject or group. Useful for quickly finding students asssignments don't meet school eligibility requirements for participation teacherwase extra curricular activities.Score Histograms: Analyze student score distribution for a teacehrease class/subject. View student averages for all assignments or view scores for one/many assignments.
Useful for determining which concepts students have mastered and where they may be struggling.Student Trendlines: Analyze student(s) performance trends on all assignments in a chosen class/subject. Useful to find students that may need extra help.Missing Work: Find etacherease missing teachereas for a chosen grading period. View for a single class/subject or view all. Quickly find assignments where no grades are entered. Narrow by a selected date range, as needed.Failed Assignments: Find assignments in a grading period with student scores at or below a chosen teacyerease.
View for a single class/subject or view all.Standard Histograms: Creates a graph of how students are performing on selected standard items.Standard Trendlines: Generate a graph of a student's performance on assignments for chosen standard item(s).Standards Coverage by Assignments: View which standards are not covered by assignments.Missing Standards-based Grades: View assignments that don't have their standards based grades entered.Sorted Student Performance: Calculate student performance based on standards for multiple sections of a course.Student Info: Quickly generate gradea information for a chosen class.
Information includes: grade level, student number, phone, address, contacts, allergies, medical alerts, and locker information. Note: Available information depends on which portions of TeacherEase your school uses.Instructor Schedule: View/print your class schedule by grading period.Student Schedules: Heacherease schedules for students on your class rosters.Daily Attendance: View student's daily attendance, the official school record kept by the office.
Check to see if students absent from your class asisgnments really absent for the day.Disciplinary Actions: Finds students who will be removed from class for disciplinary reasons. Note: Only available if school has purchased the "Discipline" module.Fees: Teachers view their own fee activity and running balance.Birthday Lists: Generate a list of birthdays for a chosen timeframe and students.Student Alerts: Generate a report of alerts for students in your classes/groups.
View contact, medical, and/or general alerts. Assignment Grading Assignment GradingPrint Top Previous NextOnline Help > Gradebook > Assignments > Create Assignment > Assignment GradingDetermine the type(s) of assessments used for this assignment. Use traditional percentage or points based scores. Track standards-based grades, as needed.Main > Assignments > Create Assignment > [Grading section]Give Traditional Grade:Show Scores As: TeacherEase has many different ways a teacher can assess a particular assignment.
The available options are affected by the grading scale mode. Azsignments details on calculation algorithms for percentages, points and extra credit, go to the corresponding topics in the Scores/Comments section.Use the following types for your assignments:� Points: Gives each student a numeric score (i.e.
95/100)� Percentage: Gives each student a percentage value for their work. (Not available if grading scale mode=points)� Sssignments Grade: Gives each student a letter grade for their work. You can choose any letter grade on the grading scale. When the grading scale mode is "percentage" the value of the teadherease grade is the percentage in the exact gradex of the grading scale range.
For "points" grads scales, the point value is specified on the grading scale (as expected).� Items Correct: Assignments are scored by the ratio of correct questions to total questions. For example, suppose an assignment contains 12 questions and is worth 20 points.
If a student gets 11 out of 12 questions correct, TeacherEase automatically computes a score of 18.33/20 without any calculation on your part. This option is only available for "percentage" grading scales.� Complete/Not Complete: When the grading scale mode is "percentage", mark each student�s work "Complete" (full credit - 100%), "Not Complete" (no credit - 0%), or "? credit" (half credit - 50%).
When the grading scale mode is "points", mark each student's work "Complete" (full credit - highest score on grading scale, for example: 5=A), "Not Complete" (no credit - 0 points). Half credit is not available when using points.
If the assignment has "possible points" or "weight" of 0, the scores will not be calculated into the student's average. This is very similar to "not graded" assignments, but allows for use of "complete" and "not complete" instead of "handed in," "missing," and "excused."� Extra Credit: TeacherEase can give two different types of extra credit. One type affects the final average and the other affects an individual category score.Extra Credit (add points to running total): The first type of extra credit affects a student�s total points scored.
The assignment created will be worth zero possible points. When the assignment is scored, student�s running total of points will be increased by the number of points given.For example, if a student has a total of sssignments possible points and has scored 145 points, and the instructor adds 5 extra credit points, their Total score will be 100%.Extra Credit (add percentage points to the assigjments average): The second type of extra credit affects a student�s final average total.
Use this option to add percentage points to the final average. A student�s final average increases by the number of percentage points scored.For example, if a student�s average is 85% and you create an extra credit assignment where they are given a score assignmenys 5, their final average will increase to 90%.For detailed examples see the " Extra Credit Calculation" section under Score/Comments.Possible Points: Set the total number of points an assignment is worth, and hence its weight.
An assignment�s weight is directly proportional to its impact on a grade. When Graades calculates an average, it uses a weighted average based upon possible points, not a simple average. Assignments with twice the possible points are worth twice as much when calculating the average. Similarly assignment with half the possible points are worth one half as much when calculating the average.
See the " Percentage Score Calculation" section under Scores/Comments for more details. Note: If Assess By=Points and Possible Points=0 the assignment will automatically be created as Extra Credit.Use possible point as weight in gradebook: For scores shown as points you have the option to use the points as the weight in the gradebook or set a different weight.
The default is to have points equal the weight. Uncheck the box to enter a different weight.Weight: (when grading scale mode is " points") : Set the weight of an assignment. The weight is used when calculating the average. For more details see the " Points Score Calculation" section under Scores/Comments.Category: If you defined categories ( Main > Setup > Categories) you must select a category for the assignment.Hide Assignment from Parents/Students: Check teaacherease hide this assignment and scores from parents/students.
The score will teacherease grades assignments be included when calculating the student's total score. The assignment will be shown as "hidden" on the Scores/Comments and Assignments pages.Track StaCopy Assignments Copy AssignmentsPrint Top Previous NextOnline Help > Gradebook > Assignments > Copy AssignmentsCopy existing assignments and digital resources frades the same class or other classes in active grading periods.
Copy assignments teacherease grades assignments one year to the next.You can also copy grades with assignments, in active grading teachereae, if students are enrolled in both classes.
Note: This is now the default, grades will be automatically copied for students who are in multiple classes.Main > Assignments > CopyUtilize the "Copy Curriculum" wizard to lead you through copying assignments, and digital resources. Note: Other available curricula; curriculum units, lessons, teacherease grades assignments also be copied if you're using the "Curriculum & Lessons" module of TeacherEase.
Teachereae more details copying other curricula, goto " Curriculum and Lessons > Curriculum > Copy Curriculum".Choose Curricula: First select an academic year and class from which to copy assignments and resources.
Note: Assignments can be copied from classes in previous, inactive years/grading periods. Assignments can be copied to classes with at least one active grading period.Check All Curricula to expand the table to view assignments and make selections for the copy.
Aszignments an assignment to view it's details.Use the check box to select available items to copy. Click again to de-select, as needed.Note: Sub-items for any item selected are automatically included in the copy. For example: If you select one or more assignments, all digital teaxherease associated with the assignment(s) will be copied. To copy all assignments and digital resources from one class/grading period to another, simply teachrease the "Assignments" folder.Note: Only items of the same type can be copied at the same time.
For example: If you choose to copy digital resources, only other digital resources can be copied.Note: Digital resources cannot be copied separately from their assignments when copying to multiple other classes. Digital resources can only be copied separately from assignments to another class with existing assignments, lessons, and/or units.Copy To:Select an academic year, and one or more classes to copy assignments into. Note: Assignments can be copied to classes in active grading periods.Choose to copy grades for students who are in multiple classes, as needed.Note: Classes with 100% matching standards will have all standards copied.
For classes with some matching standards you'll be given an option to copy the standards that match. Classes with no matching standards will not copy any standards.Copy choices:�Assignments can be copied to an existing unit or lesson for a chosen class, or to another class when no units/lesson exist�Digital resources can be copied to an assignment, lesson, or unit for a chosen, single classModify information, such as dates/grading info, for items being copied, as needed.ViewView the selected item details.Show Grading InfoView/modify grading details for the corresponding assignment.If you'd like to gades assignments and/or digital resources from another instructor, use the "Copy From" tab.Copy From: Copy assignments, digital resources, and other available curriculum items from other instructors that have sharing permissions set for you.Search for curricula assignjents keywords or teachereaxe search filters. Assignments AssignmentsPrint Top Previous NextOnline Help > Gradebook > AssignmentsPlay "Assignments" videoDuring a grading period, students will teachherease work and be assessed on their skills.
This includes homework, trades, quizzes, individual assessments, etc. In TeacherEase, each piece of student work is called an "assignment."Create assignments for chosen class(es)/grading period.
Assignments teafherease be completed either offline or online. Align assignments to standards and give students standards-based grades, as needed.
Share assignment details with parents through the "Parent Portal", allowing them to take an active role in their students' school work.Attach digital resources to assignments for students to access when completing their work.Note: Assignments with digital resources appear with an attachment icon. Click the icon to view teacherexse assignment and digital resource details.Main > AssignmentsClass: To view/create assignments, select a class from the dropdown box.
Click [options] to assignnments classes from inactive grading periods, and/or customize the class list using grouping and sorting to meet your needs.Create AssignmentAdd a new assignment. Create offline or online assignments. Add digital resources for students to use when gradrs on the assignment.CopyCopy existing assignments to the teacjerease class or other classes. You can also copy grades with assignments, in active grading periods, if assignmenta are enrolled in both classes.
Copy assignments from one year to the next.Scores / CommentsView/enter scores and comments for assignments. See " Scores/Comments-Classic" and/or " Scores/Comments-Application" for more details.StandardsView a summary of students' standards-based scores by class.Mass DeleteDelete multiple assignments from a chosen grading period.Enter Scores/CommentsEach assignment can be given a grade by clicking the link in the corresponding row.Typically, assignments are visible to teacheerease.
Increase student accountability by showing parents their student(s) assignments. Create Assignment Create AssignmentPrint Top Previous NextOnline Help > Curricula > Curricula > Create AssignmentDefine assignments linked to a lesson and/or curriculum unit. Create an assignment each time you give students new work to assess their skills. Add digital resources to the assignment for students to use when completing their work. Align the assignment with standards, as needed.
Note: Assignments can teachrrease added to either a Curriculum Unit or Lesson. Main > Curricula > [Select a Curriculum Unit or Lesson] > Create AssignmentTitle: Enter a descriptive title for the assignment. Note: The corresponding curriculum unit or lesson graddes is pre-populated, if available.Date Due: Indicate which day the grdes is due.
The due date is optional. Enter future assignments into TeacherEase to allow students/parents to monitor upcoming homework. Note: The corresponding curriculum unit or lesson date is pre-populated, if available.Students: Choose to assign this assignment to all students in selected subject(s), some of the students, or no students. See " Assign Students" below for more details. Note: To assign no students, select the option "Assign to Selected Students Only" and uncheck the box at the top.Standards: Add standards to the assignment.
Note: Standards are pre-populated from those assigned to the corresponding curriculum unit or lesson. See " Add Standards" below for more details.Share with other teachers: Set sharing options assignmenhs the assignment.Options:Enable collaboration by allowing assitnments to converse with you and their peers while working assignments online. Choose to hide the assignment from being viewed on the student/parent portal, as needed.Digital Resources: Assign digital resources for students to use when completing an assignment.
Resources can be an electronic file, video or a web link. See " Add Digital Resources" below for more details.Notes: Enter more details for the assignment.
Parents/students can view notes from the "Assignments & Lessons" link on the Parent/Student Portal. You can use HTML in this section.
If you've uploaded the assignment to the Assignnents, you can link to the assignment using HTML (to download the assignment).Set DefaultsSelect preferred grading, comments and shown field defaults to use when creating new assignments.Once saved, the new assignment is available at both Main > Curricula and Main > Assignments. Enter Scores / Comments by Assignment Enter Scores / Comments by AssignmentPrint Top Previous NextOnline Help > Gradebook > Scores/Comments - Classic > Enter Scores / Comments by AssignmentNow that you've created assignments, the next step is to grade them.
One way to enter grades is to use the Enter Scores/ Comments page.Main > Scores/Comments > Enter ScoresScore: For each student, enter his or assignmens score. Blank scores are discarded and not calculated. Gradex in a zero to lower the student�s grade. Grsdes will function slightly differently depending on the type of �assess by� used for the assignment.�Assess by Points:TeacherEase will present you with an edit field. Just type in a number (i.e. the student scores 8 out of 10).
If the score is blank, TeacherEase will ignore this assignment when calculating the grade.�Assess by Percentage:TeacherEase will present you with an edit field. Type in a number that corresponds to the percentage score the student achieved.�Assess by Letter Grade:TeacherEase will present you heacherease a list. You select the letter graes that corresponds to each student�s performance. If you leave the score blank, TeacherEase will ignore this assignment when calculating the grade.
The actual percentages underlying assignmenrs letter grades are shown at the bottom of the page.�Assess by Items Correct: TeacherEase will present you with an edit field. Type in the number of questions for which the student was correct.
TeacherEase will calculate the percentage correct and scale the score appropriately for the assignment's possible teacherease grades assignments graes Complete / Not Complete:TeacherEase will present you with a list. You can select �Complete,� �1/2 credit,� or �Not Complete.� �Complete� will give the student full credit, �Not Complete� will give them a zero, and �1/2 credit� will give them half.
If you leave the score blank, TeacherEase will ignore this assignment when calculating the final grade.Hide scores from parents/students: Check to hide this assignment and scores from parents/students. The score will not be included when calculating the student's total score. The assignment will be shown as (hidden) on the Scores/Comments page.Handed In / Missing / Excused: Allows teachers to track the status of an assignment.� Handed In: Indicates that the assignment has been given to the teacher.� Missing: An assignment that has not been heacherease in.
Missing assignments will automatically be shown to parents/students when they login. This helps modify student behavior by encouraging them to complete all their work.� Excused: The assignment does not count towards the final grade.11.A/11.A.4c/11.A.4d: Represents the number for a standard/skill.
For each standard aszignments for this assignment, you can enter a standards-based score. These scores are collected for each standard and reflect the students' standards based performance, in addition to their assignment score.
Note: If you've assigned standards based skill levels on your grading scale, and expected skill levels on class standards, you can automatically copy the corresponding standards scores by checking the box for "Automatically Copy Scores to Standards".Assignment Comments: Select existing comments from drop down box or type your own. Click the to open a text area for your own comments. The box expands as you type to provide as much space as needed.
Don't forget to "Save" the page. Edit existing or add new comments at Setup > Comment Lists > Scores. When parents/students login to view scores, they'll see the assignment comments, assignmentss they're marked private.Comments Private: Hides comments from parents/students.Late: Marking this box will cause the symbol for late work: to show up next to the assignment.Sent Email: Indicates if an email was sent regarding this assignment.There are a number of buttons that make grading more convenient:Save & Send EmailSave entered scores assignmebts comments and send email to parents/students about chosen assignment.
Send mass email to many parent/students or send individual email.Mark Blanks MissingClick this button to mark blank assignments as �missing.� It works well to click this button after entering all assignmentd from a stack of papers.Mark Missing ZeroInputs a score of assignmebts for each missing assignment.
Click this button to assignnents students� grade for missing work.Give Full CreditAssigns the total number of possible points for the assignment to assognments students that have not yet been graded. This is useful for homework when many students receive full credit. Note: Possible points are set when you create/edit assignments.Import/Export GradesImport grades from an external file into your gradebook for a chosen assignment.
Teacheease grades assignmenys your gradebook to an external file. See assignkents following sections on " Import/Export Grades" for more details.Automatically Copy Scores to Standards: Checkbox to automatically apply corresponding scores to the assignment's standards. Default is checked. If unchecked, a teacyerease Scores to Standards" button will Home Products� TeacherEase� Standards-Based Grading� Learning Management System� SchoolInsight� Core Student Management� Lunch� Discipline� Advanced Scheduling� Health Records� Catholic Schools/Dioceses� System RequirementsServices� SmartStart� Training� Customer Support� ConsultingThe Cloud� What is the Cloud?� Impact on Customers� Effect on Vendors� The CGS Cloud� Teachereaee Cost of Ownership� Beware of Imitations� True Software CustomersCompany� About Us� Webinars� News� Events� Career OpportunitiesContact Web-based GradeBookKeep traditional or standards-based grades on a secure graxes works for teachers who don't use "grades"(e.g.
primary teachers, special education, etc.).Teachers can also keep attendance and behavior logs.Ease of UseReal teachers helped design TeacherEase.Their suggestions have made it quick/easy for new users while allowing power users to be very efficient.If you evaluate gradebooks, please register for a FREE subscription -it's the best way to assess usability.Parent AccessParents view their child's current assignments, scores, teacherease grades assignments work, etc.(see Parent Features for more details).Data from the gradebook is always up-to-date without any extra work by the teacher.Teachers choose what parents can view. EmailTeachers can easily email parents about missed teacherewse, good student work, behavior, etc.Email an teachsrease to your class (field trip, class party, etc.).Create email templates to send messages with just a click (no typing required).Printable ReportsFor parents without Internet access, teachers can print out progress reports.They can also post anonymous grades for students to review.Web-Based ApplicationAccess TeacherEase from anywhere via the internet (school, home, etc.).No software to install or teacerease to the first 3 teachers in a school for one year. Gradebook Traditional Gradebook Create Assignment Histogram of Scores Student Progress Trendline Primary Teachers Standards-based Grading Create Assignment Enter Scores Standards-Based Assignmentts Performance Histogram Performance Trendline Email Email Tteacherease Email Parents Mass Email Announcements Printable Reports Progress Report Progress Report w/ Details Post Anonymous Grades Misc Configure Parent Permissions Enter Attendance Gradfs Behavior Logs Home Products� TeacherEase� Standards-Based Grading� Learning Management System� SchoolInsight� Core Student Management� Lunch� Teacherease grades assignments Advanced Scheduling� Health Records� Catholic Teacheraese System RequirementsServices� SmartStart� Training� Customer Support� ConsultingThe Cloud� What is the Cloud?� Impact on Customers� Effect on Vendors� The CGS Cloud� Total Cost of Ownership� Beware of Imitations� True Software CustomersCompany� About Us� Webinars� News� Events� Career OpportunitiesContact TeacherEase is the easiest web-based gradebook available today.Supports traditional and standards-based grading.Teachers save time, communicate with parents, and improve student performance.Available to individual teachers, schools, or entire districts. Teachers Save TimeTeachers save time grading using our web-based gradebook.It's so easy, we encourage gdades first 3 teachers in a school totry it FREE for one year(later teachers get 3 months FREE).Communicate with ParentsParents are better informed by checking assignments, grades, attendance,behavior, etc.
over the Internet.Parents support the learning process -encouraging students to complete work, helping struggling students, praising success, etc.Improve Student PerformanceWhen a parent or student checks grades on-line, student performance improves dramatically:grades increase5-8% and missed work drops by 40%.
(view study) Supports Traditional and Standards-based GradingIn addition to traditional grading, align assignments to state or district standards. Enter standards-based grades and track student performance versus standards.Enables the Standards-based ClassroomTeacherEase is more than just a web-based gradebook. It's everything teachers need to manage the standards-based classroom - including lesson plans, curriculum mapping, and report cards. All integrated. All on the web.Register Today for a FREE Subscription "TeacherEase has brought us into the 21st century.
Teachers are more productive.Parents are more involved. Students are working harder. Everybody wins".- Larry BequeathSuperintendentTonica School DistrictTonica, IL